In Tempe, a Home Inspection Can Save You Time and Money

If you’re looking to buy a house in Tempe, you’ve made a great decision. Your next decision should to be learn as much about the property as possible. Since most people aren’t trained in all the ways of home-building, you’ll need to schedule a professional home inspection. 

A home inspection is a thorough and objective look at the condition of the structure and systems of a house. This inspection is not an appraisal, and won’t give you the value of a home. Rather, you’ll receive a report on the soundness of the home and any issues it might have. 

Your new home is a major investment, and it’s vital to know what to expect from the house before the papers are signed. To protect yourself from the unexpected, have the home inspected before you buy it. A home inspection might reveal hidden issues with the home, or it might turn up nothing of importance. Either way, without a proper inspection, how can you make a confident decision? 

What Will My Home Inspection Cover? 

An inspection should include all major areas and systems of the house. Starting at the roof, an inspection will cover the air conditioning, the roof itself, heating systems, electrical systems, ceilings, the attic, walls, insulation, plumbing, windows, doors and the foundation. If the house has a basement, an inspection will see to that, as well. An inspection is very thorough. 

There are, however, some things which an inspector might not list in a report. Although the details vary due to state and city laws, an inspection might not cover asbestos, radon, methane or radiation. Many inspectors are also not qualified to assess the presence of wood-destroying organisms like termites, mold and fungus or rodents. Ask your inspector about what the report will include. 

It’s not necessary for you to be present during the home inspection, but you might want to be there, anyhow. You’ll be able to observe the inspector at work and ask questions about the house and what the inspection turns up. 

You Can Make Better Decisions with More Information 

When you schedule an inspection, understand that no house is perfect. Whatever the inspector discovers, that doesn’t mean you should or should not buy the home. An inspection just informs you about what to expect from the house. If you’re on a tight budget, or would rather not deal with repair work, you should consider this information carefully. Also, a house cannot fail an inspection. A home inspection is not a municipal inspection to verify Tempe code compliance, merely a report on the state of the home. 

If the home inspection does turn up any significant issues, it may be wise to negotiate with the seller instead of turning down the house. The seller may either lower the price, or offer to make repairs before you move in to the house. 

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