Optimist Park

Homes for sale: Optimist Park has a population of approximately 985, it is ranked number 13 in Tempe neighborhoods and number 17 in Arizona. The median price for homes is approximately $279,400 and the home value forecast is 2.5%. The number of homes currently available for sale in Optimist Park is 4.

The cost of living in Optimist Park is 11% higher than that of Tempe and also it is 10% higher than that of the national average. The cost of housing is approximately 10% higher than that of the national average too. The median household income stands at 59% higher than that of the national average. The income per capita is approximately 24% higher than the national average, and the unemployment rate is 95% higher than the national average. The poverty level in Optimist Park is fairly equal to that of the national level.

The crime level in Optimist Park is relatively low and approximately only 2.05 crimes for every 100,000 people occur on a daily basis. The chances of becoming a victim of crime are fairly low and the overall crime rate has reduced by 9%. Schools and all necessary amenities are in close proximity.

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